(1) Tiny Homes Are Cheaper to Design Architects and draftsmen/women typically set fees for their services in one of three ways; as a percentage of the total construction costs, as an hourly rate, or as a flat rate based on the total size of your house. In all three cases, the larger your house is, the higher you can expect the total design fees to be. Even if you intend to do the design work yourself, your time is not free. A smaller house will typically take you less time to design. So even before you start building, a small house can already be saving you serious money. (2) More Affordable to Build Home construction is a complicated process that requires the coordinated work of many expensive professionals, but with small building projects, the level of complexity is reduced significantly. Here are some of the many ways a small house can save on construction costs: Everything from concrete, bricks, timber, tiling, and paint all drastically reduce as you minimize the size of your house.Homes with smaller rooms typically have simplified engineering. With less structural weight and shorter spans of floors and ceilings to support, a small house frame can be simpler but also stronger. Smaller buildings are well suited to construction by teams of fewer people. And with fewer tradespeople on-site you can benefit from more efficient communication and cooperation. (3) Higher Quality With Tiny Homes requiring far fewer construction materials, you have the option to choose more expensive items without blowing out your budget. For example, a bathroom half the size can have quality tiles that are twice as expensive, for the same price! And when you only have a few rooms to decorate, you can afford to spend a little extra on those beautiful light fittings that you love. Many small home owners use some of their construction cost savings to treat themselves by incorporating handcrafted feature pieces. Why not source bespoke timber work, artisan basins with fancy tapware, or custom stained glass windows for your home? (4) Live in a Better Location Small homes need less land area because they have a smaller building footprint. The land is often the most expensive part of a house, so smaller block sizes can save you a lot of money. Alternatively, why not upgrade where you live? More exclusive suburbs may finally be within your reach if you require less land. This may also help you to find locations closer to your city center or near highly sought after public facilities like transport hubs. (5) More Unique Because small houses are less work to design and build, the time is often given to uniquely craft the space to perfectly suit the owner. You can customize every part of your home to fit your exact requirements. Only include the things that you need and splash out on the occasional feature piece to let your personality shine through. Small homes can be filled with unique charm and character that is often missing in the average cookie-cutter McMansion seen in many estates. It isn’t any wonder that many small homes are owned by artists, musicians, writers, and other quirky or creative types. There’s something about a small, but tailored space that can bring out the best in people. Why build a monster house that requires a huge effort to keep dirt-free? Smaller houses have fewer rooms and minimal surfaces to clean so you can have everything tidy in minutes. Living small means more time for fun! |
5 Advantages of Building Tiny Homes